Thursday, January 26, 2012

Video: Navy SEALs rescue US hostage in Somalia

U.S. military forces launched a dramatic raid in Somalia that freed an American and a Dane held hostage. NBC?s Jim Miklaszewski reports.

>> rescue was carried out a short time before president obama delivered the state of the union address .

>> the president appeared to have referenced the raid before the speech when he said "good job" to leon panetta .

>> this morning he released a statement thanking special operations forces for their, quote, extraordinary courage and capability. we want to go to jim miklaszewski at the pentagon for more on this. good morning.

>> reporter: good morning, ann. score another one for u.s. special operations forces who rescued these two hostages. remarkably, this mission was, indeed, still unfolding even during the president's state of the union speech . and it was, in fact, the president who dropped a hint that something was going down. president obama himself tipped off the world to the rescue when he openly thanked leon panetta before his speech.

>> good job tonight.

>> reporter: the president got word that jessica buchanan and paul fisted were rescued in the raid in somalia. two teams of u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s in helicopters landed near the compound where the two hostages were held. as the s.e.a.l.s approached they came under intense fires. nine kidnappers were killed. no americans were wounded. the s.e.a.l.s grabbed the hostages, loaded them into choppers and flew them to an undisclosed location outside somalia. buchanan and fisted were working for the danish council providing relief for so mali refugees when they were kidnapped in october. in a white house photo released minutes ago president obama is seen on the telephone immediately after that state of the union speech last night telling jessica buchanan 's father that his daughter had been rescued. neither one of the hostages was hurt during the raid. they are getting medical examinations in that region before heading home bringing the three-month-old


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