Wednesday, February 1, 2012

[OOC] Geography

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

This thread is for the posting of places and landmarks which, by virtue of their size or importance, should be included in either the IC forum or the map. Please be concise as possible in your description of the location, for this is mainly a reference list.

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Old World-The realms from which the civilized races come, a continent across the seas where monsters once lived but long ago were driven to extinction.

New World- A large continent, many times the size of the New World whose boundaries have not yet been fully explored. It's habitat's range from arctic to tropical and only its eastern half is colonized. A large chain of mountains split it across the middle and form a barrier to settlers.

The Colonies- A band of settlements concentrated on the eastern shore which push ever inward into the wilderness. There are three main colonies (each founded by a separate race) which are bound together by loose treaties.

New Arcadia - The Elven colony named for its mother country. It is the southernmost of the three colonies. Much of its wealth comes from plantations which make the raw material for fine elven textiles from the sweat of enslaved monsters.

Duerheim - Located in the frozen north where only dwarves could prosper, this colony is focused unsurprisingly on extracting ore (particularly of the enchanted variety) which it ships back to the mother country for processing.

Cathandria - Named for the human saint and cleric, Cathandra, this colony is strictly regulated by the teachings of the church. It is overseen not by secular magistrates but by a grand cleric who's word is law and who answers only to the Anointed across the sea.

The Wilds - A catch all term for the uncivilized lands west of the colonies which covers many diverse regions.

The Gray Mountains - Named for the slate gray stone which composes much of its peaks and the gray fog which drifts down from it, these mountains separate the eastern half of the New World from the mysteries which lay beyond. Most mundane theorists guess another shore lies to the far west, but a few speculate that the world simply ends or one crosses over into the mythical Dragon Realm.

Dragon Realm - A myth told by sailors that a land of riches lies far to the East across the endless seas, or by some accounts beyond the Gray Mountains. Most such tales claim that the dragons, driven from the Old World, settled there, hence the name Dragon Realm.

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Kandazur Jungle - A deep an impenetrable jungle east of Elven Colony of New Arcadia, it forms a barrier of thorns against all attempts at settlement. The jungle is known for its ancient ruins, hinting at lost civilizations, but explorers who venture within must be prepared to deal with the jungle's fierce predators which include giant serpents, basalisk and several varieties of troll.

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Castle Betz

Castle Betz is an avarage size castle construted five hundered years ago by the Betz family. It is located in the south-western most part of the human kingdom. The castle was build too far away from any other human settlement at the time, because of this the castle often lacked the protection of the rest of the kingdom or the law enforcement making it a perfect place for bandits and outlaws. As the years past house Betz started loosing it's power and soon enough the area looked more like the wilds than a civilized human settlement. Shortly there after the castle was abandoned by house Betz which ended up moving to the human city of Cathandria in looks of political power. The castle still stands today, forgotten and in ruins, the place is left alone by most explorers and travelers since it is believed that it is haunted and that anyone that enters ends up a vampire.

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Castle LaFonte

100 years ago this castle stood as the pride of the noble LaFonte Family. With it's tall towers of gleaming white stone and it's grand chapel it also stood as a rightous fortress of the human God against the wilds and "evils" of the wilds. How ironic that it how lies in ruins and is deem haunted, taken back by the wilds all because of an act of greed. For another human lord in his greed sacked and killed the Lafonte family but his victory was short lived as all was killed by the cry of the LaFonte maiden now a banshee. It is said you can still hear the mournful song of the lost maiden coming from the ruins and that none who enter this once holy fortress ever return...

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