Thursday, January 31, 2013

Feds sue to block Anheuser's takeover of Modelo

1 hr.

The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit to block Anheuser-Busch InBev's proposed purchase of the rest of the Mexican brewer Grupo Modelo it doesn't already own in a move that jeopardizes Constellation Brands' plans to fully acquire Crown Imports.?

Such a merger, the government contends, would substantially reduce competition in the U.S. beer market, resulting in higher prices and less selection.

Anheuser's Bud Light is the best-selling choice in the $80 billion a year beer market. ?"Even a small increase in the price of beer could result in billions of dollars of harm to American consumers," the Justice Department said.?

With no apparent intent to commit a pun, the government said?it seeks "to prevent the companies from merging and to preserve the existing head-to-head competition between the firms that the transaction would eliminate."

Constellation shares plummeted about 20 percent Thursday, triggering several trading halts, after news of the development broke. Crown Imports brings brands owned by Grupo Modelo into the United States.?

Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world's largest brewer, said it would contest the lawsuit, adding in a statement that it is "inconsistent with the law, the facts and the reality of the marketplace."

"We remain confident in our position, and we intend to vigorously contest the DOJ's action in federal court," the company said.

Grupo Modelo said it now?doesn't expect the deal to go through in the first quarter.?

In a statement, Constellation Brands expressed disappointment with the Justice Department's decision.?

"The proposed transaction would further establish Crown Imports as a more independent and competitive entity and solidify is position as a major player in the U.S. beer industry," Constellation said, in a press release.?

CNBC and Reuters contributed to this report.


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Israel?s Bread and Butter Dilemma


One week after Israel?s elections, it is fairly accurate to state that the public voted almost exclusively on alleviating the alleged plight of Israel?s middle class, ignoring issues pertinent to security and foreign policy issues. The only valid interpretation of the election results in light of what was on the voter?s mind is that the Oslo Agreement and the endless political negotiations with the Palestinian Arabs have lost all relevance to the Israeli public. Senseless withdrawals in response to delusional Palestinian Arab demands will no longer be tolerated in the public discourse. The Israeli public has been convinced that after 20 years of fruitless negotiations, a viable peace agreement with the Palestinians is unattainable in the foreseeable future. A dominant cultural characteristic of Israeli?s is that they despise being ?Friers? (suckers), they have turned their backs to a political process that led to Israeli concessions in return for Palestinian terror. The election results reflect a major shift on the part of the Israeli public and so a new national agenda must emerge that resonates this change. Yair Lapid, Naftali Bennett, alongside Benjamin Netanyahu not only represents this major shift but can also bring about this change.

Israel circa, 2013; the voters have spoken and they have clearly stated ? ?it?s the economy, stupid?. Today, Israel?s working class and middle class have had enough, and voted according to this idea; you the political leaders must stop wasting time and energy on the peace process which is a code-word for worthless negotiations with the Palestinian Arabs and instead confront and focus on internal challenges. This means that Israel?s soon to be established government with Netanyahu as Prime Minister will focus in on the economy and find a way to lower the cost of living so that the working class and the middle class can afford decent housing, a family car, and yes a yearly family vacation. The new government will allow Israeli?s to believe and feel that they are being treated equally as far as civil obligations are concerned. If military service or national service is compulsory, than it should be compulsory for all. Major segments of the population such as the Charedi and Israeli Arabs will no longer be automatically exempt from national obligations and must begin to send their children to serve in the army or national service. This tectonic change will not only give meaning to equal rights alongside equal obligations for all, but will also strengthen the unique social fabric of Israel and make for a fairer society in Israel.? Equal obligations and opportunities for all, will most likely be the major focus of the next government.

So with all this said and done, I am compelled to ask if the Israeli public has gone into denial mode, giving priority to issues of ?bread and butter? over those of ?life and death?. Can we avoid the conclusion that Israel?s voting public has become dangerously detached from the real challenges the nation needs to address. Not Iran?s nuclear bomb, nor the extreme Islamic nations cropping up one by one on Israel?s border, seem to be a major concern. Is our economic plight in Israel so bad, that we can allow ourselves to deal with mundane issues of economic well-being.? Whats even more confusing is that
poll after poll, both foreign and local, have shown extremely high levels of satisfaction with life in Israel, well above that in most industrial countries. Important socioeconomic indicators are better in Israel than the average in the OECD countries. Life expectancy ? usually taken as an indicator of the level of a country?s healthcare ? is almost 82 years in Israel. A stroll through urban Israel will reveal that restaurants are full, cafes crowded, pubs jam-packed; the recreation industry appears booming, with beaches teeming in summer, the ski slope crammed in winter, rural byways swarming with off-road cyclists over the weekends, decked out with the latest equipment and accessories. So Against this backdrop of prosperity and a widespread leisure society, the eruption of economic discontent as reflected in the election results seems oddly misplaced and representative of something else going on.

It seems that a new day is dawning upon us, the dawn of a day in which Israelis want to be left alone. For the past few years Israel is enjoying the longest period of calm for decades. Economically, the Netanyahu government?s stewarded the Israeli economy successfully through the global crisis that affected much of the industrial world, leaving Israel largely untouched by the world economic crisis and accustomed to economic prosperity alongside a reasonably quiet security situation. What may seem to those far away as a vote of no-confidence may very well be an attempt by the Israeli electorate to maintain the ship of Israel on a steady course. They may very well be implying that they don?t want to endanger our economy and our well-being with delusional political negotiations, or reckless economic hand-outs and entitlements making all sectors of the Israeli public active participants in making the economy strong. The Israeli public knows what is at stake and what they have to lose, they want a strong and stable environment and they know that the leftist-socialist brand of politics will only endanger this in the years to come.

Quite simply, most Israelis have voted for the center and right wing political parties because they see no immediate hope in peace talks and regard figures like Benjamin Netanyahu as the best guarantee of the country?s economic and security well being for the foreseeable future.

The writer, a 25-year veteran of the I.D.F., served as a field mental health officer. Prior to retiring in 2005, served as the Commander of the Central Psychiatric Military Clinic for Reserve Soldiers at Tel-Hashomer. Since retiring from active duty, he provides consultancy services to NGO?s implementing Psycho trauma and Psycho education programs to communities in the North and South of Israel. Today Ron is a strategic advisor to the Shomron Liaison Office. To contact:


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Lei's Experience Wish List for 2013 | Career Success - Ask a ...

Posted on | January 30, 2013

get outside your comfort zoneSuccess cannot be achieved if you only stay in your comfort zone. ?That?s because success requiring striving, learning, testing, and falling possibly along the way, all of which are comfortable.

So ?it?s important to be comfortable with being uncomfortable to achieve success and joy in life! ?For this reason, I am ditching the traditional new year resolution of setting goals and making my 2013 about experiences ? a way to encourage myself to try new things or challenge myself to do some things I know may be uncomfortable and has no guarantee of success. ?It?s not just for my career but also for living my life to the fullest.

In 2013, I will add 50 more experience to my life ? about 4 to 5 each month. ?I have developed an initial wish list of 75+ experiences I want to try and probably add more throughout the year. ? It has already helped me take more action in life /career without over-thinking about whether I would ?succeed.? ?Perhaps you will join me in making 2013 about experiences for you as well. ?Best wishes to your career success and a fulfilling life.

Improving my own soft skills

  1. Practice letting go on trivial matter ? I tend to get upset if someone ?wrongs? me (from bad customer service, taxi driver that like to take the long way for a few $, indirect racial comments from a stranger), This is for me to practice to let it go ? don?t bother correcting them or letting it upset me.
  2. Sit for 30 minutes and meditate ? I am so busy doing stuff all day long.? It?s hard to stop and just be.
  3. Practice patience ? wait until someone finish talking before I speak (no matter how much I disagree with what they are saying) ? I have a bad habit of interrupting people especially when I am excited about the topic.
  4. When I find myself judging others, stop and focus instead on how to accepting others as they are and their positive contributions to my life and the world.
  5. Action trumps fear ? act in spite of the fear of failure or embarrassment
  6. Take an Improv class ? this is definitely outside my comfort zone.? Be ok with embarrassment
  7. Stay calm and collected when I am usually furious about something

Career Success Blog

  1. Plan a local happy hour for readers of my career advice blog
  2. Do one small group workshop on one topic in soft skills at work
  3. Do one video conference on one topic in soft skills at work
  4. Write a synopsis for the book I want to write ? several draft
  5. Get feedback on all the drafts
  6. Find a survey tool I can use to tally feedback.
  7. Write a book
  8. Create? Soft Skills University ? where people can learn / practice soft skills in stages and get certified as they finished each stage
  9. Speak on a career success panel
  10. Test the video medium on my blog ? record video of coaching conversations
  11. Hire an intern or two to help with blog
  12. Test ghost writing ? someone to take my newsletters and turn them into a book
  13. Test scenario based posts / articles
  14. Find an easy tool to post /schedule updates to multiple social networks

Career / Business

  1. Decide my career path when my contract end this year ? continue to contract, go back to climbing the ladder or build the soft skills university to help millions accelerate their career success.
  2. Write marketing or business blog posts on
  3. Write a deck about how to help companies ?Get the Wow? in their customer experience
  4. Write a sales deck on how to identify root cause to marketing/sales funnel fallout
  5. Re-name RWOmarketing
  6. Launch a website for Agnes to build photo stories for birthdays, holidays, wedding ? she has a talent.
  7. Interview for a Product Manager job
  8. Interview for a customer experience job
  9. Interview for a process improvement job
  10. Interview for a marketing job

Family related ? new stuff on top of what we do today

  1. Take Isabel (4 years old) to visit my mom and dad in Houston (she has never been on a plane yet)
  2. Take Isabel to Dance, Theater, and Art events (dance mission girl brigade show, nutcracker, small theater play)
  3. Take Isabel to Disneyland
  4. Take Isabel Pottery painting
  5. Take Alexis (1 year old) to swimming classes
  6. Plan a vacation for my parents? 70 birthdays in 2014.
  7. Bake cupcakes or cookies with Isabel and Alexis
  8. Take Isabel to singing lessons (per her request that she want to learn how to sing.? She loves Glee and American Idol)
  9. Practice Karate with Isabel
  10. Take Isabel to Gilroy Gardens (mini-disney land in Gilroy)
  11. Take Isabel to feed the homeless
  12. Teach Isabel about money

New , Fun Stuff

  1. Go Tandem skydivingtry new things
  2. Go Rollerblading or Ice skating
  3. Take a new dance class (Argentine Tango, samba, etc..)
  4. Join a dance performance group or workshop
  5. Travel to Europe, ?Vietnam, Brazil with hubby
  6. Have lunch at French Laundry
  7. Organize quarterly Diva events
  8. Go shopping and spend lavishly once? ? being Chinese, this will feel very uncomfortable.? I am a bargain hunter sometimes to a fault.
  9. Let Agnes clean out my closet ? sort stuff for donation (3 veto power).?? I tend to hold on to too many things.
  10. Join a Flashmob ? group that gathers and breaks out into dance in a public place at a set time to make a statement
  11. Call a distance friend once a week (nice to keep in touch with people far away)
  12. Write the Baby Bump Triology ? 3 blog posts about the evolution of my tummy through pregnancy to recovery after birth
  13. Start a Diva blog (remembering fun memories with girlfriend gatherings)


  1. Do an official 5 K run
  2. Do an official 10k run
  3. Take 4 classes at the nearby TRX/Pilates gym
  4. Do abs exercise every day a week (I just learned that our ab muscle recover quickly and therefore we can work on it every day
  5. Do a cleanse (I love food especially meat and seafood, so this will be HARD)
  6. Take a Jiujitsu class (I hear women can do this and well)
  7. Go to bed early and wake up early to see sunrise for a week.?? (I usually can?t sleep until midnight)
  8. Don?t snack before I go to bed at night for a week (I developed a bad habit of eating right before going to sleep)
  9. Don?t take any sleep aid for a week (I take a quarter dose of Unisom a few times a week ? habit from my pregnancy)
  10. Eat vegetarian for lunch one day
  11. Have only raw vegetables and broth for lunch one day
  12. Have only juice for lunch one day
  13. 7 days of Bikram ? Go for 7 days straight.? I have practiced for 5+years but have never done this
  14. do a doubleheader ? 2 bikram yoga classes back to back (3 hours long total)

Self Awareness / Bigger Picture

  1. Read a chapter in Rays of Dawn every night before I go to bed a week
  2. Read a chapter in Rays of Dawn first thing in the morning when i wake up for a week
  3. Live a day where nothing disturbed my mood and love of life no matter what happens
  4. Something unpleasant happens.? Accept it, know that everything is still fine.? Shit happens, let go and take action to move on
  5. No matter what happens in a week, just accept and move on. No regrets no worry
  6. No planning for a week (I am a constant planner to a fault ? for work, blog, family, exercise, etc?)
  7. No criticism for a week (growing up Chinese, my instinct is to criticize my own action if they are less than optimal ? not a fun trait.? Want to break it)


  1. Go to a networking event once a month
  2. Do info interview with companies I want to work for
  3. Network with blogger and eBook publishers

I am always in your corner.


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Jason Hoppy Seen With Wedding Ring On; Is He Hoping to Get Back Together With Bethenny Frankel?

He's in the midst of a bitter divorce with his soon to be ex Bethenny Frankel, but Jason Hoppy was just spotted with his wedding ring back on!


The 41-year-old pharmaceutical executive was out in NYC today with Bryn and he looked like he was in a great mood despite just a week ago filing papers asking for primary custody of his daughter.

The couple who were only married for three years signed a prenup before getting hitched so Bethenny's $100 million estimated fortune she made from her books and Skinnygirl empire isn't up for grabs, but everything else is.

Last month the former Real Housewives of New York star released a statement announcing the sad news.


"It brings me great sadness to say that Jason and I are separating. This was an extremely difficult decision that as a woman and a mother, I have to accept as the best choice for our family."

But with Jason spotted with his wedding band on, does this mean there is a chance of reconciling?

Would you like to see Bethenny and Jason work things out and stay together? Tell us @OKMagazine!







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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Commercial Real Estate News 1-29-13 | Arizona Builders Exchange

Screen Shot 2013-01-29 at 18.02.431. ?With more A/E/C and CRE professionals working from home, simplicity comes from the Internal Revenue Service with new home office deduction regulations effective for the 2013 tax year ? not for the 2012 taxes being filed now. Instead of the 49 line depreciation calculation with utility and maintenance apportionments, home offices may be calculated as $5/SF, with a maximum of $1,500 per year allowed.

Major Sales

2. ?In Tucson, the Arizona Daily Star reports CRE activity this month has been accelerating with more than $33M in sales closing. Some of the larger deals include:

  • College Town apartments, 1300 E. Fort Lowell. College Town Tucson LLC, Phoenix, paid $10.5M to acquire the complex from MCS711 College Town Tucson, LLC, Phoenix.
  • Montecito condominiums, 5751 N. Kolb Rd. Montecito Ventana LLC, Corona, Calif., is the new owner, paying $3.6M to Veranda at Ventana Investments, Nashville, Tenn., to buy the condo complex.
  • Los Arboles Mobile Home Park, 17200 S. Villita Rd., Sahuarita. The community sold was by Los Arboles Community LLC, Tucson, for $3.2M to Los Arboles Community #2 LLC, Tucson.
  • Krebs Engineers, 7740 N. Business Park Dr. Krebs Engineers (a division of FLSmidth Krebs Inc.)is moving into a new, larger location after paying $2.3M to PDM Real Estate Investment LLC, Tucson.


3. ?Two commercial properties?one a 119K SF office building, the other an adjoining 2.8 acre undeveloped commercial parcel?were picked up ViaWest Group for $13.2M. The 82 percent leased West 101 Business Center, 95th Ave. and McDowell Rd., Phoenix, includes tenants Maricopa County, ITT Educational Services, Inc., and Aetna. Eastdil Secured represented seller, Carlson Real Estate Company LLLP, Minneapolis, MN. CBRE is handling leasing.

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4. ?REITs are buying up single-tenant commercial plots for portfolio investors.

5. ?Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co., Daytona Beach, Fla., a publicly traded REIT paid $5M for a 35K SF ($145/SF) building leased to a Big Lots! store at Arrowhead Towne Center, Bell Rd. and 75th Ave., Glendale. Colliers International, which handled the deal for CTL, says the 3.6-acre site sold for a premium above the typical $91/SF Phoenix area retail price.

6. ?Eight industrial properties in Chandler sold for a combined $4.8M ($88/SF) to CJV, LLC, Costa Mesa, Calif. The consolidated 54K SF include Westech 10 Corporate Center and 1920 E. University Dr. Lee & Associates represented sellers CC Prop, LLC on the former property and University & Perry LLC for the latter. Westech has three free-standing buildings (36K SF), and sold for $3.2M ($88/SF). The University Dr. property was for part of an industrial condo, 18K SF, selling for $1.6M ($88/SF).

7. ?The Virginia Financial Building, 301 E. Virginia Ave., Phoenix, sold for $2.1M ($68/SF) to Canadian investor, Continental Group. The four-story office building has 31.2K SF of Class B office space. Colliers International handled the deal for the 100 percent occupied building.

Major Leases

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8. ?Zipps Sports Grill is coming to downtown Tempe and leasing 6.2K SF in Centerpoint on Mill, Mill Ave. at University Dr. The eatery is the newest tenant for the DMB project. The Hanover Co., Houston, Tex., picked up the residential component from DMB for a mid-rise apartment adjoining the Zipps site (ABEX, December 11th).

9. ?No Anchovies, a Tucson sports and pizza bar, is eyeing expansion into the old Cactus Moon location, 5470 E. Broadway. The second location for the eatery is pending approval of a liquor license by the city council on February 12. The new restaurant will be 12K SF, but its final approval faces concerns with the council over the owner?s past history with Tucson stemming from violent 2001 incident at a club he owned.

Closures and Foreclosures

10. An improving economy has put 29 people out of work and will close the Department of Economic Security?s Phoenix call center. The facility, opened to handle the increased load of unemployment filings, is no longer needed, according to DES. The closure comes as a result of reduced federal funding, which pays 100 percent of unemployment claim processing administration costs (AZCentral premium content).

11. ?Savers retail store, 1683 E. Florence Blvd., Casa Grande, closed January 16th, following a year of poor sales. The consignment store is back to its Tucson and Tempe locations. The community donation center is also closed. The store is part of a Bellevue Wash.-based chain of consignment outlets.

12. ?Wittman?s Speedworld may be shut down over a combination of issues including nonpayment of rent to State Land Department, failure to provide insurance, and erecting buildings on the site without permits. The operator is suing the county over the building permit issues saying it has no authority for development on state-owned land. The next court hearing is February 1. The county has fined the owners $50K with a $750/day fine accruing effective January 28. Among the various non-permitted structures are bleachers for 5K-7K spectators and grading and drainage activities without an engineered set of plans (AZCentral premium content).





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Stores Can Now Charge You Extra Just for Using a Credit Card

So here's something you should probably know. Starting this past Sunday, January 27th, retailers can now charge up to four percent extra on purchases made using a credit card. More »


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BetaBait, A Service For Finding Beta Users And App Testers, Hits The Deadpool

betabaitBetaBait, a service that connects startups with people to try and test early "beta" versions of web and mobile apps, is shutting down effective February 1st, 2013. The company, which first launched a year ago in December 2011, announced the closure in an email sent to users.


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Tesla CEO extends help to Boeing on battery issue

DETROIT (Reuters) - Elon Musk has long considered Tesla Motors Inc the bold, nimble answer to the auto industry's cautious culture. Now the electric car maker's top executive has extended his help to another industrial giant: Boeing Co .

In a January 26 message on Twitter, Musk said he was in talks with the chief engineer of Boeing's 787 Dreamliner plane, which regulators have grounded indefinitely after a string of malfunctions ranging from fuel leaks to battery meltdowns.

"Desire to help Boeing is real & am corresponding w 787 chief engineer," Musk wrote on the social media website.

Musk, who is the CEO of space transport company SpaceX, and Tesla, which aims to earn its first-ever quarterly profit later this year, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Boeing declined to comment or confirm if such discussions were taking place.

Boeing's chief 787 engineer, Mike Sinnett, has recently made presentations about the plane and its battery technology to reporters and industry leaders.

Musk's post came a week after his first dispatch to Boeing on January 18: "Maybe already under control, but Tesla & SpaceX are happy to help with the 787 lithium ion batteries."

U.S. and Japanese authorities are investigating a fire and a smoke incident with lithium-ion batteries on two separate Dreamliners in recent weeks. The 50 Dreamliners in service cannot be flown until the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is satisfied that the problem with the batteries has been fixed. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board is still investigating what caused the first battery to catch fire.

Lithium-ion batteries are widely used in phones and hybrid cars because they are lighter and more powerful than traditional batteries. But if managed improperly, lithium-ion batteries can explode or catch fire, and some pose a greater risk than others depending on their chemical make-up.

The 787 is the first passenger jet to use lithium-ion batteries for back-up and auxiliary power. Tesla began using lithium-ion batteries in its Roadster, a two-door sports car that Tesla said could go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in about 4 seconds.

In its Dreamliner, Boeing adopted a lithium cobalt oxide chemistry similar to that used in the Roadster, which Tesla produced from 2008 until last year.

Musk, a serial entrepreneur who gained fame after selling his Internet payment company PayPal to eBay Inc in 2002, has been quick to criticize the cultures of major car makers like General Motors Co and Ford Motor Co .

In a magazine interview with Esquire late last year, Musk was similarly critical of Boeing. He was quoted as saying, "You know the joke about Boeing: It puts the zero in being."

Musk later took pains to dismiss the story, written by reporter Tom Junod. "Junod's Esquire article had high fiction content," Musk wrote his January 26 tweet.

Junod said Musk's dig at Boeing was on tape and his story was "more extensively reported than any story on Elon that preceded it."

(Reporting By Deepa Seetharaman; additional reporting by Nichola Groom and Alwyn Scott; Editing by Alwyn Scott and Chris Gallagher)


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Millie Kerr: The More the Merrier?

Like a game of telephone, my message got garbled somewhere between its publication with The Atlantic and reactions posted around the web.

I was surprised to see readers literally interpreting my article's tongue-in-cheek title, "Single People Should Get to Have Weddings, Too." They were as quick to conjure an image of me marrying my cat as they were to ignore the three-letter word at its close: Too.

The issue is not whether you get married or decide to lead a single life. Nor is it the type of wedding you plan -- a grand affair or a casual gathering of your nearest and dearest. The conversation I intended to kick off boils down to the following question: Why does society celebrate family units more avidly than individuals? As originally stated, "When will barometers of celebration reflect the growing number of singletons?"

Although your relationship status naturally affects whether and when your family unit changes, the underlying question -- the one that asks why we neglect to celebrate individuals -- has nothing to do with your romantic choices. Whether you're married, single, gay, straight, female or male, you have moments in your life that warrant commemoration. These f?tes might pertain to coming of age, anniversaries, weight loss and other health milestones, or professional developments. Of course, some people prefer to breeze past or quietly celebrate these achievements. Our calendars and bank accounts thank the humble stoics of the world. But some of us benefit from high-fives, toasts and gatherings of friends -- external forces that help us internalize life changes -- and that doesn't make us narcissists.

We often wonder whether a falling tree makes a sound when it drops to the floor of the forest. Isn't it the same with significant developments that only occur in our private lives? In the last month, I have: celebrated a friend's promotion; clinked glasses to another's engagement; attended a thirtieth birthday party bash like the one I described in my article; and relished new photos of my friends' children. Does this mean that I marvel at every Facebook post? Of course not. I'm no more interested in the banal moments experienced by others than I am in my own day-to-day existence. But when my friend gives birth or moves cities or joins or exits a relationship, I'd like to know.

I don't think anyone wants to draw the lines between normal and noteworthy, and I have no desire to become an arbiter of merrymaking. And although I don't long for a world in which every achievement warrants a gold star, I'd like to promote inclusive, rather than exclusive, rituals.

At first, the defensive and angry responses to my article left me feeling befuddled, but it soon dawned on me that by promoting new traditions, I inadvertently criticized existing ones. Like many of you, I'd like to see rites (and rights -- gay marriage, for one) extended to individuals who have been precluded from taking part in our longstanding conventions, but I intentionally left legal and cultural assessments of the larger institution aside when analyzing whether we possess corollary traditions for unmarried men and women.

Instead of asking that we change or dismantle existing festivities, I hoped to extend the way we conceive of certain activities and milestones. Naysayers twisted my words, making me out to be a self-centered attention glutton.

In truth, we're all guilty of making parties about the individuals being celebrated, despite the fact that gatherings can be as meaningful for guests as they are for hosts. We carry on these traditions for a slew of reasons. As we express our support for the honored individuals, we also benefit from the excitement and camaraderie enjoyed at weddings. Besides births, funerals and graduations, they stand out as some of the only life events in which far-flung friends and relatives assemble.

Perhaps one day, my friends and family members will convene to celebrate my own wedding; perhaps not. Either way, I plan to foster traditions that honor individual advancements and achievements, big and small.

RELATED ON HUFFPOST WOMEN: Readers Reveal Why They're Single

  • Boricua Mami

  • SUPR?M? ?

  • Single Girl Problems

  • Ebs?

  • Daryl Rodgers

  • Tyga

  • SorryIDon'tParty

  • Robyn's bitch ?

  • Samee Usmani

  • Raphael??

  • Emily Vasta

  • Jade Avia

  • Topher Gen

  • ? Jasmine ?

  • Perfect Bucket List

  • Cat Lady Problems

  • Sam

  • Anna Khayalan

  • Lesly Ramos

  • d?vid z?ch?ry

  • epic tweets.

  • Marilyn Monroe


  • Party Girl

  • Single Girl Problems


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Quantum communication: Each photon counts

Monday, January 28, 2013

The detector combines near-unity detection efficiency with high timing resolution and has a very low error rate. The results have been published by Nature Communications(doi:10.1038/ncomms2307).

Ultrafast, efficient, and reliable single-photon detectors are among the most sought-after components in photonics and quantum communication, which have not yet reached maturity for practical application. Physicist Dr. Wolfram Pernice of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), in cooperation with colleagues at Yale University, Boston University, and Moscow State Pedagogical University, achieved the decisive breakthrough by integrating single-photon detectors with nanophotonic chips. The detector combines near-unity detection efficiency with high timing resolution and has a very low error rate. The results have been published by Nature Communications(doi:10.1038/ncomms2307).

Without reliable detection of single photons, it is impossible to make real use of the latest advances in optical data transmission or quantum computation; it is like having no analog-digital converter in a conventional computer to determine whether the applied voltage stands for 0 or 1. Although a number of different single-photon detector models have been developed over the past few years, thus far, none have provided satisfactory performance.

Several new ideas and advanced developments went into the prototype developed within the "Integrated Quantum Photonics" project at the DFG Center of Functional Nanostructures (CFN). The new single-photon detector, tested in the telecommunications wavelength range, achieves a previously unattained detection efficiency of 91%.

The detector was realized by fabricating superconducting nanowires directly on top of a nanophotonic waveguide. This geometry can be compared to a tube that conducts light, around which a wire in a superconducting state is wound and, as such, has no electric resistivity. The nanometer-sized wire made of niobium nitride absorbs photons that propagate along the waveguide. When a photon is absorbed, superconductivity is lost, which is detected as an electric signal. The longer the tube, the higher is the detection probability. The lengths involved are in the micrometer range.

A special feature of the detector is its direct installation on the chip, which allows for it to be replicated at random. The single-photon detectors built thus far were stand-alone units, which were connected to chips with optical fibers. Arrangements of that type suffer from photons being lost in the fiber connection or being absorbed in other ways. These loss channels do not exist in the detector that is now fully embedded in a silicon photonic circuit. In addition to high detection efficiency, this gives rise to a remarkably low dark count rate. Dark counts arise when a photon is detected erroneously: for instance, because of a spontaneous emission, an alpha particle, or a spurious field. The new design also provides ultrashort timing jitter of 18 picoseconds, which is 18 times 10-12 seconds. The novel solution also makes it possible to integrate several hundreds of these detectors on a single chip. This is a basic precondition for future use in optical quantum computers.

The detector demonstrated in this study was designed to work at wavelengths in the Telekom bandwidth. The same detector architecture can also be used for wavelengths in the range of visible light. This would allow the principle to be employed in analyses of all structures that emit little light, i.e., photons, such as single molecules or bacteria.


Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres:

Thanks to Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres for this article.

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Menace II Society 20 Year West Coast Mega-Mix By ... - DubCNN


Unbelievably 2013 marks the 20th?anniversary?of the release of the classic hood film Menace II Society.

The movie ? which was released on May 26th 1993 ? was the directorial debut of twin brothers Allen and Albert Hughes who had originally hired Tupac Shakur and Spice 1 to play?Sharif and Caine?respectively,?but they were later fired with Shakur being found guilty of assault and battery six months later for assaulting the director.

Despite pre-production controversy the film went on to?commercial and critical success, winning the Best Movie award at the?1994 MTV Movie Awards and becoming a point of reference across the past two decades.

This week a?Producer and DJ from Amsterdam namely?THEprinceOFbeatz?teamed up with?Daily Movement?to release a Westcoast Mega-Mix in celebration of this movie landmark!

The mix caught our ears and linked with the anniversary we wanted to share it with our readers! Listen to the full Mega-Mix?and check?the tracklist below!

THEprinceOFbeatz -?Menace II Society 20 Year West Coast Mega-Mix


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Injured Bolshoi Ballet director forgives attackers

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The artistic director of Russia's Bolshoi Ballet says the attacker who splashed acid in his face was probably driven by ambition or resentment but that he has forgiven them.

His head shaven and a bandage around his neck, Sergei Filin told a Russian television station from his hospital room that he was determined to return to work despite his injuries.

Filin, 42, suffered severe burns during the attack on his way home from the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow late on January 18. Doctors have performed two operations on each eye and hope to save his sight.

"I am not going to lie. Of course it is very hard for me and very difficult," Filin said in grainy footage in a video-link with NTV television late on Sunday.

"I tell myself every morning when I wake up: 'Sergei, you are healthy, everything is in its place - your arms, your legs'. ... And I will do everything to go back to being the same Sergei I was before."

Filin did not wear the thick bandages that had swathed his head and face in mobile phone footage taken the day after the attack, but his eyes were half-closed and it was unclear whether he could see.

Filin's job gave him the power to make or break careers at the ballet, which is an enduring symbol of Russian culture. He said after the attack that he had been receiving threats.

"A priest came to me, and I told him: 'You know, I forgive everyone, and God will be their judge. Because people are weak'," he said. "I forgive all the people who are involved in this."

He said he did not know who was behind the attack but made clear he believed that it was related to his work.

"Before somehow satisfying their ambitions or quenching the pain of resentment ... it would be truly good if they would just think about the fact that I have three remarkable sons," Filin said.

"Even if the worst happens, I will continue to look upon this world, and I will continue to do what I do - but it will be through the eyes of my three sons."

Russia's top eye doctor told Reuters last week that Filin would retain at least some vision in each eye.

"I promise, you will see me on stage," Filin said.


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Boeing 787 probe shifts to monitoring system maker

FILE - In this Jan. 18, 2013 file photo, officials inspect an All Nippon Airways Boeing 787 which made an emergency landing at Takamatsu airport in Takamatsu, western Japan. The joint U.S. and Japanese investigation into the plane's battery problems has shifted from the battery-maker to the manufacturer of a monitoring system Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

FILE - In this Jan. 18, 2013 file photo, officials inspect an All Nippon Airways Boeing 787 which made an emergency landing at Takamatsu airport in Takamatsu, western Japan. The joint U.S. and Japanese investigation into the plane's battery problems has shifted from the battery-maker to the manufacturer of a monitoring system Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

(AP) ? The joint U.S. and Japanese investigation into the Boeing 787's battery problems has shifted from the battery-maker to the manufacturer of a monitoring system.

Japan transport ministry official Shigeru Takano said Monday the probe into battery-maker GS Yuasa was over for now as no evidence was found it was the source of the problems.

Ministry officials said they will inspect Kanto Aircraft Instrument Co. on Monday as part of the ongoing investigation. It makes a system that monitors voltage, charging and temperature of the lithium-ion batteries.

All 50 of the Boeing 787s in use around the world are grounded after one of the jets operated by All Nippon Airways made an emergency landing in Japan earlier this month when its main battery overheated. Earlier in January, a battery in a Japan Airlines 787 caught fire while parked at Boston's Logan International Airport.

GS Yuasa shares jumped on the news it is no longer being investigated, gaining nearly 5 percent in Tokyo trading. The issue had plunged 12 percent after the battery problems surfaced in Japan.

Ministry officials stopped short of saying that Kanto's monitoring system was under any special scrutiny, saying it was part of an ongoing investigation.

"We are looking into affiliated parts makers," Takano said. "We are looking into possibilities."

Kyoto-based GS Yuasa declined to comment, noting that the investigation was still underway.

Hideaki Kobayashi, spokesman for Kanto Aircraft, based in Fujisawa, southwest of Tokyo, declined comment. He said it was too early to tell whether its system was behind the problems.

Last week, U.S. federal investigators said the JAL battery that caught fire showed evidence of short-circuiting and a chemical reaction known as "thermal runaway," in which an increase in temperature causes progressively hotter temperatures. It's not clear to investigators which came first, the short-circuiting or the thermal runaway.

Deliveries of the jet dubbed the Dreamliner were three years behind schedule because of manufacturing delays. Much of the aircraft is made by outside manufacturers, many of them major Japanese companies who make about 35 percent of the plane.

It is the first jet to make wide use of lithium-ion batteries, the kind usually found in laptops and other gadgets. They are prone to overheating and require additional systems to avoid fires.

Investigators have been looking at the remnants of the ANA flight's charred battery, but it is unclear whether the battery or a related part was behind its overheating. Investigators have said the ANA battery and the JAL battery did not receive excess voltage.

Japanese carrier All Nippon Airways was the "launch customer" for the 787, and has been forced to cancel services ? 643 domestic flights through Feb. 12, affecting 69,000 passengers, and 195 international flights through Feb. 18, affecting 13,620 passengers.

Japan Airlines, which has fewer 787s than ANA, has deployed other aircraft in its fleet, minimizing its flight cancellations.

Boeing, which competes against Airbus of France, has halted 787 deliveries. Boeing has orders for more than 800 of the Dreamliner planes.

The 787 is the first airliner made mostly from lightweight composite materials that boost fuel efficiency. It also relies on electronic systems rather than hydraulic or mechanical systems to a greater degree than any other airliner.

Analysts say customers won't come back to the 787 unless its safety is solidly assured.


Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Smartphone pioneer RIM looks to put recent hardships behind it with BB10

TORONTO, Cananda - Once a leader but now derided as a laggard, BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion hopes to regain the confidence of cynical smartphone users this week as the curtain is lifted on its much-anticipated new smartphones.

The stakes are high for the unveiling, which many observers say will determine whether RIM survives to see the launch of another BlackBerry smartphone.

It has been a steep decline for RIM, which less than five years ago was the most valuable company in Canada, above Royal Bank (TSX:RY). Affectionately called the "CrackBerry" maker, the mobile communications pioneer was Canada's crowning achievement of the technology sector.

Back in 1984, the year RIM was founded, it was practically unimaginable that a tiny startup based in Waterloo, Ont. would help change the way we communicate, but for fresh engineering graduates Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin that was always the plan.

"Like so many of these guys Lazaridis was a Star Trek lunatic," said Alastair Sweeny, author of "BlackBerry Planet."

"He says it's almost like telepathy ? humans have a yearning to communicate."

The beginnings were humble for the two founders, with the majority of their time dedicated to Budgie, an LED sign business that was contracted by General Motors to communicate messages to workers on its assembly lines. Despite early interest, the project was a sales flop and RIM's owners decided to sell the business and look at other ventures.

One of those projects put RIM squarely in the eyes of Hollywood. The DigiSync film reader caught on with movie editors because its synching technology shaved hours off the time it took to turn miles of film into useable content in post-production. While the technology went on to win RIM both an Emmy and a technical achievement from the Academy Awards, it was never a top priority for RIM's founders.

"Lazaridis was always into security," said Sweeny. "He realized that corporations needed secure communications because of industrial espionage, because of hacking."

Throughout the late 1980s, RIM was working alongside other industry players to develop technology that would eventually be used in pagers and wireless payment processing systems. By the start of the 1990s, the wheels were turning on the communication systems that would become the foundation of the BlackBerry.

An agreement with Ericcson's Mobitex wireless network allowed RIM to create pagers that operated as a two-way communicators, a revolutionary concept for data transfer.

Turning the idea into a marketable product was a bigger challenge. The world had yet to become accustomed to the Internet age and most people hadn't heard of email, nevermind used it. While the project was a bust with its first partner Cantel, RIM forged ahead.

The technology captured the attention and imaginations of an industry, and perhaps most importantly Jim Balsillie, an energetic Harvard graduate who, at the age of 33, invested $250,000 of his own money into the company by re-mortgaging his house.

In 1996, RIM launched its first sales success, a clamshell wireless handheld device called the RIM 900 Interactive Pager. It was a two-way communicator that also had the ability to send faxes, as well as link to the Internet and email.

But Lazaridis discovered that the email feature, which he believed was one of the strongest qualities of the device, wasn't being used by most customers. So he hired Lexicon Branding, based in California, to find a way to draw more attention to its keyboard, the main feature that differentiated it from other pagers.

Branding executives pondered the device, focusing mainly on its appearance, and when one of them pointed out the little keypad looked like similar to the seeds of a strawberry, the conversation zeroed in on the names of fruits and vegetables. Eventually, the group settled on "BlackBerry" because it was both punchy and remained true to the device's original black casing.

The company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange in 1997, raising more than $115 million, and debuted the first BlackBerry the following year.

From there it seemed the sky was the limit.

Suddenly the BlackBerry was everywhere in the technology community, thrust into the spotlight by the enthusiastic co-CEO Balsillie who touted the device on Wall Street and handed it out for free at select technology conferences. Balsillie knew how to build buzz and proudly tapped away on the BlackBerry whenever he appeared before the media.

A demand had been created, and subscribers to the BlackBerry services continued to grow in leaps and bounds. In 1999, RIM listed on the Nasdaq, raising another US$250 million.

The success grabbed the attention of Virginia-based NTP Inc. which filed a lawsuit claiming that RIM's network infringed on its patents. While NTP won the case, and the courts ordered RIM to pay US$23.1 million, the battle continued in appeals courts for years before a settlement was reached for a much heftier $612.5 million.

Outside the courtrooms the BlackBerry was a massive success, garnering headlines when its enterprise network remained intact after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 when other wireless phone systems broke down.

The BlackBerry's reputation was growing at a steady clip, helped by the introduction of cellphone service in 2002 on what had been a text-only device. Within two years, BlackBerry reached more than 1 million subscribers.

The smartphone was in demand at corporate offices around the world, and soon the more casual consumer began to take notice, helping to boost its subscribers to nine million by 2007. RIM also secured a distribution deal in China, driving its stock to a level that made it the most valuable Canadian company.

But amid all of the success a storm of competition was brewing in the tech industry.

In June 2007, Apple unleashed the first iPhone touchscreen device onto the U.S. market, garnering widespread praise from critics and consumers, but hardly rattling its competitors.

Microsoft's chief executive Steve Ballmer famously dismissed the touchscreen device that year, saying "there's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share."

Whether it was a strategic decision or simply coincidence, Apple kept its iPhone far away from the Canadian marketplace for nearly a year, choosing to launch in six other countries first.

The lower profile with Canadian consumers also seemed to minimize the concern from RIM's executives, who publicly downplayed the influence of the iPhone in an already crowded mobile phone market.

"They just missed it," said Carl Howe, vice-president of consumer research at Yankee Group.

"They missed the idea that you could create a really good experience without having a keyboard. They gave Apple a two-year head start."

By the time the iPhone hit Canadian shelves, RIM was facing scrutiny from analysts who worried that the growing number competitors, which now also included Google's Android system, would devour marketshare.

RIM went on the defensive in 2008, releasing a combination keypad and touchscreen device it called the Storm, but the phone was swept up in a flurry of other BlackBerry releases that year. Much of the marketing clout was put behind the debut of a high-end BlackBerry Bold, which wasn't a touchscreen.

"A lot of tech companies have their heads in the sand," said Howe of the co-CEOs.

"It's not that they're stupid, and I think that's an important point. People who get hit by 'innovator's dilemma' are not stupid ... I think when you create something from scratch and turn it into a multi-billion dollar business you're very reluctant to say 'I'm now going to throw away everything I've learned and do something different.' "

At the height of its hype, the BlackBerry device was splashed across television shows and movies, while then-presidential candidate Barack Obama proclaimed he was a BlackBerry faithful during his campaign.

As competition heated up with Apple, investors became concerned that RIM's co-CEOs, in particular Balsillie, were distracted by the possibilities that success brought them, rather than focused on revamping the BlackBerry for a new era.

In 2009, Balsillie launched his third, and most aggressive, attempt to buy an National Hockey League team, with hopes that he could convince the NHL to move the Phoenix Coyotes to Hamilton. The battle dragged on for months before Balsillie abandoned his dream once again.

Back in Waterloo a storm was brewing as technical problems began to wreak havoc on the company's network infrastructure.

There were two network outages in less than a year that left BlackBerry users temporarily without their services. Some industry observers suggested the company could buckle under its own success. BlackBerry sales were soaring, even with the technical problems, with subscriber growth up 70 per cent to 36 million by the end of 2009. RIM's leaders reassured users that the outages were a fluke and wouldn't be a reoccurring problem.

Despite the setbacks, the BlackBerry image appeared to emerge unscathed. In April 2010 it cracked the Top Five mobile phone carriers worldwide and soon afterwards Queen Elizabeth made a visit to RIM's headquarters in Waterloo.

Behind the scenes there was unrest among the company's board of directors as the leaders clashed over where the BlackBerry brand should go next. Rumours swirled around the industry that trouble was afoot.

Fanfare eventually gave way to the realities of competition, with the first major blow coming from the failed launch of the PlayBook, RIM's answer to Apple's iPad. In September 2010, the co-CEOs showcased the new product for the public but waited another six months before unleashing it to stores.

By then it was too late, the tablet market had already been cornered by Apple and reviews of the PlayBook harshly criticized its lack of connectivity to popular BlackBerry functions like email and instant messenger.

Within months the foundation of RIM started to crumble as it repeatedly missed its own revenue and earnings targets. In June 2011, the company slashed 11 per cent of its workforce, or 2,000 jobs, to keep its cost in line.

A stark reminder of its fragility came in October 2011 when a worldwide four-day outage left BlackBerry users again without the use of the device they had come to rely on. The smartphones wouldn't connect to the Internet, email or its messaging services.

The anger from its loyal users was heard loud and clear, and Lazaridis emerged from days of silence to apologize and tell users the company had let them down.

In an earnings call several weeks later, Lazaridis urged investor "patience and confidence" as the executives tried to improve performance. Both he and Balsillie, two of the company's biggest shareholders, reduced their salaries to $1.

Again, it was a decision made too late ? the outage had cost RIM more than $50 million in revenue and tarnished its reputation. In December 2011, the company reported that profits tumbled more than 70 per cent, affected by a big charge from sales discounts it was forced make on PlayBook tablets.

Perhaps an even bigger blow to RIM's reputation was the delay of its next-generation BlackBerrys, pushing the planned release into 2012. The phones ? which were delayed again throughout last year and will be unveiled this Wednesday ? were seen as the company's best hope to maintain market share against Apple and Android devices.

The company stock had tumbled from its lofty height of $137.41 on the Toronto Stock Exchange in mid-2008 to $14.80 at the end of 2011.

RIM, once a symbol of Canadian success and innovation, had become awash in its own troubles. Apple's iPhone had cornered the rapidly developing apps market while RIM sat on the sidelines with developers.

Sweeny recalls visiting a group of developers, who he considered BlackBerry fanatics, while doing research for his book in 2008.

"They were writing great games and programs for the BlackBerry and they couldn't get the latest hardware from RIM to test them on," he said.

"I called them a couple years later and they weren't writing for BlackBerry at all. They were writing programs for Apple and starting to write for Android."

From an outsider's perspective, it's often suggested that the co-CEOs lost control of their empire, but some industry watchers say that RIM saw the troubles several years earlier.

"In this market you can't admit that you're behind," said Tim Long, an analyst at BMO Capital Markets.

"You have to put on the face because once you start to lose momentum that can shift the buying patterns."

Numerous acquisitions were made by RIM throughout 2010 and 2011 to beef up its stable of technology, Long said. That included Ottawa-based QNX Software Systems, whose technology became the basis of the new operating system, and Astonishing Tribe, the Swedish company that helped develop an early user interface of the Android operating system.

But the acquisitions came too late, and by late 2011 some investors were calling for its leaders to resign.

Bowing to pressure, Balsillie and Lazaridis stepped down from their co-CEO positions in January 2012, pocketing a combined $12 million in the process. The duo were replaced by Thorsten Heins, RIM's former chief operating officer, and hardly two months later Balsillie had left the company entirely.

Almost immediately, Heins launched a major revamp of RIM's operations, hiring several new executives with experience at other major tech companies. The approach was a last-ditch effort to revive the company, but it has also thrown the BlackBerry maker into the most uncertain period in its history.

With nearly $2 billion in its coffers Heins had options, but the clock was ticking to get a new smartphone on the market.

"Nobody is delusional here," Rick Costanzo, the company's new executive vice-president of global sales, said last summer.

"We get it. That's why we're building BlackBerry 10 and man are we committed."

A new chapter in RIM's history begins this week as the BlackBerry 10 smartphones and operating system are showcased to the world.


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Edumacation ? Broken As Designed | Tony's Texts

Etchingham School 1946

(Photo credit: ttelyob)

So the State and Federal governments of Australia are going to find an extra $5 billion dollars a year to spend on school funding according to the recommendations of the ?Review of Funding for Schooling Final Report December 2011?, generally referred to as the ?Gonski Report? after it?s chairman, David Gonski.

What if they are going to spend it on the wrong things? What if the system itself is concentrating on the wrong outcomes? What if our education system is broken as designed?

First, let?s contemplate the purpose of our education system. What is it meant to do? If we want we can turn to our Government to answer that question, politicians can always be relied upon to give us a great ?motherhood statement? on any large social question. In Australia we only have to go back to 2008 when there was a conference of government Education ministers in Melbourne that produced a nice motherhood statement as a report, the ?Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians?.

The Melbourne Declaration says

  • Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence
  • Goal 2: All young Australians become:
    • Successful learners
    • Confident and creative individuals
    • Active and informed citizens

The most interesting thing about this statement is that it says nothing about vocational outcomes. The preamble however is a little more revealing, it says in part:

Skilled jobs now dominate jobs growth and people with university or vocational education and training qualifications fare much better in the employment market than early school leavers. To maximise their opportunities for healthy, productive and rewarding futures, Australia?s young people must be encouraged not only to complete secondary education, but also to proceed into further training or education.

It should be noted that jobs and vocation are nowhere else mentioned in the declaration.

On to the Gonski Report.

It?s ?Executive Summary? tells us:

High-quality schooling fosters the development of creative, informed and resilient citizens who are able to participate fully in a dynamic and globalised world. It also leads to many benefits for individuals and society, including higher levels of employment and earnings, and better health, longevity, tolerance and social cohesion.

Further on it says:

Further, no student in Australia should leave school without the basic skills and competencies needed to participate in the workforce and lead successful and productive lives. The system as a whole must work to meet the needs of all Australian children, now and in the future.

The panel believes that the key to achieving this vision is to strengthen the current national schooling reforms through funding reform.

(Don?t you just love it when politicians and government bodies make their motherhood statements? I can see the rainbows and unicorns as clear as day.)

Seth Godin has recently released a book ?Stop Stealing Dreams? subtitled ?(What Is School For?)?. It?s a good book, he even did a talk at TEDx@BFS on the topic. You can grab a copy of the book for free at that site and watch a video of the talk.

Given the subtitle it comes as no surprise that he addresses our question. In section 4 of the book he says:

It seems a question so obvious that it?s hardly worth asking. And yet there are many possible answers. Here are a few (I?m talking about public or widespread private education here, grade K through college):

  • To create a society that?s culturally coordinated.
  • To further science and knowledge and pursue information for its own sake.
  • To enhance civilization while giving people the tools to make informed decisions.
  • To train people to become productive workers.

Over the last three generations, the amount of school we?ve delivered to the public has gone way up?more people are spending more hours being schooled than ever before. And the cost of that schooling is going up even faster, with trillions of dollars being spent on delivering school on a massive scale.
Until recently, school did a fabulous job on just one of these four societal goals.


No, I think it?s clear that school was designed with a particular function in mind, and it?s one that school has delivered on for a hundred years.
Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers built school to train people to have a lifetime of productive labor as part of the industrialized economy. And it worked.

All the rest is a byproduct, a side effect (sometimes a happy one) of the schooling system that we built to train the workforce we needed for the industrialized economy.

In section 6 he says:

If school?s function is to create the workers we need to fuel our economy, we need to change school, because the workers we need have changed as well.

The mission used to be to create homogenized, obedient, satisfied workers and pliant, eager consumers.

No longer.

The one thing that the Melbourne Declaration, Gonski and Godin all neglect to mention is that the entire nature of work and career has changed since our education system was designed in the late Victorian era.

Our great grandfather?s often spent their entire working life employed by one company, almost certainly they spent it at a single trade.

Today think about the number of trades that didn?t exist as little as twenty years ago. Think about the massive changes in some of the trades that are older than that.

The children who are in school today will almost certainly work in a rapidly changing workplace for many different employers and probably at several different types of rapidly changing tasks.

Godin is right, the task has changed.

The problem we now face is that we have an education system that is directed at the wrong outcomes and measures the wrong metrics. The Gonski report admits this:

The panel acknowledges that schools contribute to a much broader range of outcomes for students than those currently measured by governments and which receive the greatest attention in this report.

So we have an education system that is measured according to a limited set of outcomes and the outcomes we drive for are no longer relevant to the society we want to be.

What do we want from our education system? How do we fix it? I think these might be questions for other posts. Until then I?d appreciate your thoughts.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kerry: Climate change a 'life-threatening issue'

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Calling global climate change a "life-threatening issue," Secretary of State nominee John Kerry said Thursday that the United States must play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.

Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat, said at his confirmation hearing that the U.S. should pursue policies to boost clean energy and energy efficiency. In his state and others, such as California, "the fastest growing sector of our economy is clean energy," Kerry said. "It's a job creator."

Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has made climate change a central focus of his Senate career and led a failed effort in the Senate for a climate change bill in 2010.

Kerry told fellow senators he would be a "passionate advocate" on the issue if confirmed as secretary of state, "not based on ideology but based on facts, based on science. And I hope to sit with all of you and convince you that this $6 trillion (energy) market is worth millions of American jobs and leadership, and we better go after it."

Failing to deal with climate change was more of a risk than addressing it head-on, Kerry said, citing damage caused by Superstorm Sandy, drought and wildfires. Congress is expected to approve more $50 billion in disaster relief for Sandy victims alone. The storm pounded Northeastern states in late October and has been blamed for 140 deaths.

"If we can't see the downside of spending that money" as a short-term fix after a disaster "and risking lives for all the changes that are taking place ? to agriculture, to our communities, the ocean and so forth, we're ignoring what science is telling us," Kerry said.

On a related issue, Kerry said he has made no decision about the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada. Environmental groups have been pressuring the Obama administration to reject the pipeline, saying it would carry "dirty oil" that contributes to global warming.

Kerry said a review process is well underway at the State Department. The department has jurisdiction over the pipeline because it crosses an international border.

"It will not be long before that comes across my desk," Kerry said. "And at that time, I'll make the appropriate judgments about it."


Follow Matthew Daly on Twitter:


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American women have served and died from the first

WASHINGTON (AP) ? American women have served and died on the nation's battlefields from the first. They were nurses and cooks, spies and couriers in the Revolutionary War. Some disguised themselves as men to fight for the Union or the Confederacy. Yet the U.S. military's official acceptance of women in combat took more than two centuries.

New roles for females have been doled out fitfully, whenever commanders have gotten in binds and realized they needed women's help.

"The main driver is that it's been militarily necessary," says retired Capt. Lory Manning, a 25-year Navy veteran who leads military studies for the Women's Research & Education Institute. She points, for example, to creation of the Army Nurse Corps in response to the struggle against disease in the Spanish-American War.

Some milestones on the way to this week's lifting of the ban on women in ground combat jobs:



They didn't wear uniforms, but the Army hired women as nurses, cooks and laundresses during the American Revolution. Women were also spies and saboteurs. They carried George Washington's messages across enemy lines to his generals.

Many "camp followers" went to war with their soldier husbands, sometimes bringing children along. Some stepped into the places of fallen men in battle. Other women disguised themselves as young men to join the fighting.

A few hundred women secretly served as Civil War soldiers, historians estimate. There are records of some who were discovered only after they were wounded or killed.

For her service as a Civil War surgeon, Dr. Mary E. Walker was awarded her era's Medal of Honor. Harriet Tubman led a group of former slaves who spied on Confederate troops in the South and helped the Union Army free more slaves. A Virginia woman, Elizabeth Van Lew, ran one of the war's most sophisticated spy rings for the Union. Clara Barton's experiences tending battlefield wounded led her to found the American Red Cross.



Despite their record as volunteers and contract workers, women were denied a place within military service until 1901, when the Army Nurse Corps was created. Navy nurses followed in 1908.

What prompted the creation of the Nurse Corps? The devastating toll of typhoid, malaria and other diseases that killed far more soldiers than the fighting during the Spanish-American War.

Overwhelmed by the tropical diseases, the military rushed to find more than 1,500 female contract nurses to serve at military hospitals and aboard ships. Twenty-one nurses died in the line of duty. After the war, the Army's surgeon general called for creation of a permanent nurse corps with reserves at the ready for future wars.



The world wars brought large-scale proof that women could handle many of the military's noncombat jobs. They were recruited to "Free a man to fight!"

For the first time in World War I, women other than nurses were allowed to enlist in the Navy and Marines. They worked as telephone operators, accountants, draftsmen, clerks. Some went to Europe. Still, only about 35,000 women, the majority of them nurses, served among nearly 5 million U.S. men. They were promptly sent home after the armistice.

They were the advance troops for the wave of women to come in the next world war, including the Navy's WAVES and the Army's WACS. There were even civilian pilots ? the WASPS ? who repositioned planes and towed gunners' targets but were denied Air Force status.

The demands of a huge military buildup and a diminishing pool of male draftees crumpled resistance to enlisting large numbers of women for World War II.

More than 400,000 women served, at home and overseas, stepping into nearly all types of noncombat jobs. Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Wilma L. Vaught, a teenager then, remembers women's eagerness to help.

"America was attacked," said Vaught, president of the Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation. "Women felt, 'This is my country, I've got to help defend my country.' They wanted to be part of it."

World War II was the turning point that earned women full-fledged military status. In 1948, after fierce debate, Congress approved allowing women to serve in the regular forces of all branches of the service all the time, not just in war.



In peacetime, the Pentagon retreated back to assigning females to "women's work." They got few chances at promotion and couldn't be admirals or generals. Although military nurses risked their lives in Korea and Vietnam, the military insisted women weren't fit for combat conditions.

The equal rights movement prompted some changes ? in 1967, Congress got rid of a law limiting women to 2 percent of the military and opened up promotions to higher service grades.

But the armed services didn't welcome women back in a big way until the nation cut off its guaranteed supply of men.

In 1973, the draft ended and the all-volunteer military was born. Short on male volunteers, the Defense Department began seriously recruiting women and assigning them a wider range of jobs. In 1975, the service academies were opened to women.

Women grew to more than 10 percent of America's force by the 1980s.



More than 40,000 women deployed for the Persian Gulf War in 1990 and 1991. They worked alongside men, flying helicopters, driving trucks, guarding bases and firing missiles as Americans at home watched on television news.

Officially women were banned from combat. But there were no clear front lines. Women soldiers and Marines were at risk wherever Scud missiles fell.

"They always said the American public will not live with women coming back in body bags," said Vaught. "Well, they did. We found out there wasn't a big reaction from the public. They recognized that these women were there doing their jobs. We have adjusted to that as a people."

After the Gulf War, jobs flying combat planes and serving on warships were opened to women. And some restrictions on combat-related jobs in the Army and Marines were eased.


AFTER 9/11

More than 200,000 women serve in the military now ? 15 percent of a force of 1.4 million. And the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have obliterated any remaining notion that they can be kept out of the fight.

With the military straining to staff two wars at once, everyone was needed. But battle lines were jagged; insurgents could be anywhere. Women in support jobs found themselves in firefights and blasted by roadside bombs. And their gender made them especially valuable on some patrols: They could search and interview Muslim women whose culture forbid such contact with men.

In 2012, to reflect the new realities, the Defense Department changed its rules to officially allow women into many jobs they were already doing, but in units closer to the fighting. They were still banned from the most dangerous jobs, such as being infantry soldiers or Special Operations commandos.

On Thursday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced an end to the ban on women in combat. Women have become an integral part of the service, fighting and dying alongside men, Panetta said. In fact, 152 women in uniform have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"The time has come," he said, "for our policies to recognize that reality."


Associated Press writer Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report.

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