Monday, January 14, 2013

New California Laws for 2013 (Part 9)

Part 9 in a series highlighting the new California laws for 2013.

The California Legislature passed over 800 new laws for California residents and business and this series breaks downs those laws into digestible portions to help keep residents better informed. Readers can stop by and quickly scan a segment of new laws to learn what may impact them. Links to the legislature's full text of each new law will be also be included.

We invite your feedback to let us know what you think of this series.

  • AB 1529 - Trial courts, restructuring and bail forfeiture.
  • AB 1531 - State claims.
  • AB 1532 - California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.
  • AB 1533 - Medicine, trainees, international medical graduates.
  • AB 1534 - Vehicles, dealers, used vehicle sales, labeling requirements.
  • AB 1536 - Vehicles, electronic wireless communications, prohibitions.
  • AB 1540 - Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, invasive weeds, South American spongeplant.
  • AB 1548 - Practice of medicine, cosmetic surgery, employment of physicians and surgeons.
  • AB 1550 - Vehicles, veterans' organizations license plates fees. Increases the fees required to issue, renew, and personalize specialized veterans' license plates to fund veterans' organizations.
  • AB 1551 - Housing.
  • AB 1558 - Liability, flood control and water conservation facilities.
  • AB 1559 - Firearms.
  • AB 1565 - Public contracts, school districts, bidding requirements.
  • AB 1566 - Aboveground storage tanks, enforcement.
  • AB 1567 - Firefighting equipment, firefighting endorsement.
  • AB 1569 - Community mental health services, assisted outpatient treatment.
  • AB 1572 - Service authorities for freeway emergencies, San Diego County.
  • AB 1573 - School attendance, residency requirements, foster children.
  • AB 1575 - Pupil fees.
  • AB 1578 - Indian Valley Watermaster District.
  • AB 1580 - Health care, eligibility, enrollment.

Follow and View the Entire Series of California's New Laws 2013.

All of California's Laws may be accessed via the State Legislature website.


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