Saturday, July 21, 2012

Honestly, I? :: Living the Dream Coaches

Written by: Joe Battaglia on July 21, 2012.


What would happen to your various relationships (your spouse or significant other, your parents, your children, your friends? you get the idea) if you decided to be honest about everything? No fair lying, just the straight truth. Strangers don?t count because they have no expectation of your behavior.

Some would, no doubt, think you had lost it. In the short run, it might get you in a world of trouble. But in the long run, wouldn?t life be a lot simpler? If people knew that they could count on you to give them an honest answer if they asked for it, do you think you might get a lot more questions? It worked for George Washington (the cherry tree) and good old ?Honest Abe.?

OK, let?s get serious now. We all know what happens to people who tell the truth all the time; just watch the movie ?Liar, Liar.? People just aren?t ready for that kind of raw reality. People need that artificial shading, that ?La vie en Rose? to their lives.

So I just want to zero in on one relationship in particular. That one relationship where, ideally, you can say anything and it will only make the relationship stronger; the one place where this sort of honesty can be the bedrock for the kind relationship that can last a lifetime.

Can you imagine a marriage (or committed) relationship where there are no mind games, no ?I wonder what she meant when she said?? no ?He?ll get the message when I??? Just straight talk where you know what you say won?t be taken the wrong way because everything that is said and done comes with the guarantee of love and commitment.

Is it hard to pull off? Yes it is. Is it impossible? No it?s not. It takes work. It takes commitment. It takes trust in the knowledge that that other person will always be at your side no matter what. It?s called unconditional love.

Do people change? Yes, and if you respect each other, you will grow together in ways that will allow you to complement each other and make you stronger together than you are apart.

Look, I know this is hard, but the reward for this honesty and commitment is a lifetime relationship with someone who really cares.? Isn?t that worth the effort? Isn?t that what life is really all about?

I know it is because I?ve found it.


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