Sunday, July 1, 2012

Two Sides of the Same Coin (interest check)

Two Side of the Same Coin

This is an interest check for an rp that I've been circling through my head for a few weeks now. I'm probably going to ask for an assistant GM because I'm terrible at being one, and could also use another brain to bounce ideas off of. But basically here is the concept of the rp. Some things are subject to change, but I have the basic plot down.

In the modern age, the United States has finally managed a somewhat stable and steady yet slow climb out of debt. Things in the economy and government are fragile, after years of crackdowns have finally brought quality officials to lead the nation. But nothing is without a price, despite the improvements and sound officials. The damage to the nation has been done, and citizens are not quick to forget the injustices they have suffered from those who took advantage of them for power. There are those still out there, seeking to gain the power and strangle hold they once had in the nation.

The F.B.I leads the charge in nabbing national criminals, and has been working heavily with police departments all over the country. However, over the past year there have been strings of 'vigilante attacks' against local criminals in cities and towns around the country. Most of these attacks, ended in death usually of a suspect that a law enforcement agency was investigating. A small team had been looking into these attacks, though they were at times random except for the fact they were all criminals either in the act of a crime or had committed a major felony. In a shocking turn of events, on August 23rd 2018 the F.B.I was leading a raid on a drug lords house in southern Florida when shockingly another force of equal size entered the complex. The force had no markings, or special designations and spoke English. A three way gunfight broke out between the police and F.B.I, the drug cartel security, and the mysterious hostile force that unfortunately apprehended and got away with their suspect. Several weeks after, a video was uploaded to the internet for the world to see. It was the drug lord tied up to a chair being questioned by someone off camera. He confessed to dealing with government officials, a few still actually in office then was executed on camera. This was followed by more attacks across the nation. These attacks were by trained armed men, with equipment and weapons equivalent to the police, and military.

The government called them a 'domestic paramilitary terrorist group'. This no doubt worried the nation, and casted more doubts in it's tried and speculated government. The F.B.I has stepped up to lead the investigation, and is the primary strike force against these 'terrorists' coupled by the Department of Homeland Security. A network has been set up to deliver rapid information and resources if available. Just who is this mysterious group, and why are they attacking only criminals? On top of that, what makes them motivated enough to attack the government almost directly in the process? Only time will tell, and time might be running out with constant strain from the outside world, near domestic instability, and talks once again of possible civil war. Will this once great nation be able to stop from tearing itself apart? Or will these 'terrorists' lead to ending a legacy?


That's the basic idea in my head. I'm probably going to need some help on this, to get my thoughts straight. So if you're interested and want to add some input or advice please feel free. ^^ Thanks for reading this, and I hope that this can turn into something real.


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