Thursday, December 13, 2012



Police are slowly giving up as a dangerous sociopath continues to abduct and kill victims across the state of Maine. The ones kept alive have special talents, and are part of his collection, kept to entertain him as time drags on. [LAST TRY.]


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Collection?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
The Collector

?Over the past few months, there have been reports of missing victims popping up throughout the state of Maine as October grows closer to its end. 5 of those victims who were missing have been found dead by the state police, hanging from trees or mutilated in different forests around 10 miles from each other, all with the letter C carved into their bodies. But what was even more usual was each victim was known to have been part of something in their community, or were equipped with a special talent that made them stand out from society. Some were athletes, other dancers? and the ones found dead obviously had done something to be demoted.

Police have determined little about this dangerous killer, except that he has had help with his tasks and that he wears a strange mask that covers half his face, the other exposing a younger looking face then to be expected. Police believe this sociopath is in his mid twenties, and is the owner of a large amount of money and has IQ that is off the charts. Their leads have gone cold as they struggle to find the missing victims, more turning up dead, the most recent from two weeks ago down by one of the forest rivers.

They have named him The Collector, in regards to his collecting of people who specialize in certain activities. Police say that they are currently going through abandoned houses throughout the area, thinking he is hiding in some basement or possibly an abandoned warehouse but nothing has been found yet. Only small clues, like hints of clothing items have been found strewn across the area and continued to leave investigators puzzled.

How long will it take to find this dangerous man, and how many more will die before his collection is found??


THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M TRYING THIS. I've made this what, three times? It has always died or been put on hold for a while which I understand things happen. I've been encouraged to give it one last go to see if it can last, fourth time the charm. So, last try. I'll be much stricter about who joins this time.

Also, I did end up trying some other roleplays that have ended up dying and whatnot (common thing, people are busy and people lose motivation after a week). For the time being, I'm only involving myself in three roleplays. This one and two others that are more private, so I will be able to make time for this one especially. I want this to work.

This roleplay does have ADULT CONTENT.

This roleplay is an altered version of Kiss The Girls, which I will post a link in the whole creditor box so you can look there if you need to but seeing the movie is not required at all. This story is just about a dangerous psychopath who kidnaps younger adults and teenagers that are extremely special at certain things. In this story, we will have 4 victims, The collector and his helper. The four victims will be A popular author, a famous artist, a rising dancer, and then a skilled pianist.

I will post more about the Collector's base and where the Victims will be interacting for most of the story and describe the area around it in an occ thread. Those who are really interested can sign up, and then discuss it later. Roles will also be discussed later on, but the Collector must be someone who can grasp the idea or the faint idea of a sociopath.

Co GM is pieluver.

Characters (Taken and Available):

The Collector (Male): Open
The Collector's Helper (Male): Open

The Victims: Open

There must be two males and two females.

The Author (Female) : Reserved for DarlingRapture
The Pianist (Male): Reserved for pieluver
The Artist : Open
The Singer: Open


Character Forms:

Code: Select all
[b]Basic Information;[/b]

"Your character's favorite or personal quote here."

[b]Name:[/b] First and last
[b]Age:[/b] Be reasonable for the character.
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian, Asian, ect.
[b]Role:[/b] Are you a victim? The collector?
[b]Orientation:[/b] Bisexual? Gay?
[b]Status:[/b] Do you have a companion?
[b]Best Feature:[/b] What makes them so special?


A picture here. Anime or real, though I prefer good drawings or real life. Need help finding one? Come to me.

A paragraph describing your character. Include hair color, skin color, eye color, height, weight, body build, fashion sense, makeup use, ect. Must be at LEAST 5 sentences long. I am more likely to accept your character sheet if it has quite a bit of detail.

[b]Personality; [/b]

Describe your character's personality here. Include how they usually are, what they act like when they are sad or angry, include things they enjoy doing and things that irritate them, all that stuff. Everything about them is important. This paragraph must be at least 6 lines in order to be accepted.

[b]Likes;[/b] At least 5

[b]Dislikes;[/b] At least 5

[b]Hobbies;[/b] At least 5


Here, type a summary of your character's past. A childhood event, some events that make them who they are, anything that stands out and gives more insight on their back story. This must be at least 6 lines.


If you have anything you want to add.

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Member for 0 years

Hello, I am very interested in reserving the rising dancer girl. But in the character slot you have put "The Singer" and I am confused as to which one it is.

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Member for 0 years

Alright, for both of you. There is only one female spot left.

As for the... Rising Dancer girl? Did I put dancer? ... OH MYGOSH I DID. =_='

Gah, I meant singer. I didn't even realize that was from a before try. I forgot to completely edit it.

Well, now I am in a bit of a fix. Since both of you want to be a female.

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Good evening, cupcake. I will post my lad up after I get back from a play ^^

My dream is to write. To write without smudging all the words on the paper and getting a big black smear on my hand.

Hey, lefties can have impossible goals too, guys!

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Member for 2 years

Hey, Pie! c: Alright! Have a great time.

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Oh naoow.. :3
*sobs into pillow*

Well, I started Dianne, anyway, because I didn't see that when I started her. I only submitted her so I could see if the picture was working - which it wasn't, I fixed it though ^.^ - so I'll finish her now.. even if she might not be existent. I think that's a word, and Google Chrome spell check agrees so lets say it is :3

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Member for 0 years

Can I reserve the artist?

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Member for 1 years

@Unique: Gah, the picture isnt working.

@Centraiu: Someone else has already claimed that spot as a reservation.

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Also, at Unique. I'm going to need to you tell me how often you're on and what upcoming events you have.

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@Darling if you mean the 100x100 one, then I haven't added it yet. But if you mean the other one.. d'awww. Oh, and also for when I'm online, do you mean on the character sheet, or here in the OOC? :3

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Try using this.
Code: Select all

And, I mean on the site. I mean for roleplaying. How often will you be able to post, and do you know of anything that's coming up that will keep you away from the computer?

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DarlingRapture wrote:Alright, for both of you. There is only one female spot left.

As for the... Rising Dancer girl? Did I put dancer? ... OH MYGOSH I DID. =_='

Gah, I meant singer. I didn't even realize that was from a before try. I forgot to completely edit it.

Well, now I am in a bit of a fix. Since both of you want to be a female.

That's fine! I'll withdraw my reservation if that's okay. :) Good luck with this role play- it looks really neat!

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@Darling Go raibh m?le maith agat! [Thank you :3] I'll go check if it works ^^, Oh, and I finished her!

@Ultra aww.. sorry :3

I have school, and arrived back at 4:30 approx. I usually do my homework until about ten past five, and straight for my computer.. unless my sister has hogged it :P I'm on every second day at least and will be able to check the roleplay most days, even if it means not posting. Then there is the terrible writers block >.< I had a terrible writers block yesterday, I had two characters in one post and only wrote about two hundred and fifty words.. :/ I usually won't post on that, unless I've left it for a few days and need to post to keep the roleplay moving.

I won't be posting on Christmas Day [obviously .^^] or (probably) the twenty first, but other than that, nothing that springs to mind. I don't have much of a social life asides fro my computer so I'm on here often xD

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Can I reserve the collector's helper?

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@Unique: So all and all, you think you'll be able to help keep this roleplay moving?

@Sonohra: Yes, you may. Same as I asked to Unique; will you be able to post often and keep the roleplay moving?

This has been an issue with many roleplays I've had and I'm so sick of making them over and over xD

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