Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tek Tips and Talk: Social Networking On and Off the Clock | OC ...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tek Tips and Talk: Social Networking On and Off the Clock


The Huffington Post recently published an article highlighting the most fascinating social media statistics from 2012[1]. Here?s a brief recap:


- Active users total nearly 850 million

- Mobile users are approximately 488 million

- More than one million websites have integrated with Facebook through sharing apps, streamlined logins, etc.

- 80 percent of social media users prefer to connect with brands through Facebook

- 77 percent of B2C companies and 43 percent of B2B companies reported that they acquired customers through Facebook in the last year


- 175 million tweets are sent every day

- In 2012, one million accounts were added to Twitter ? daily

- Twitter is projected to make $540 million in advertising revenue by 2014

- 32 percent of all Internet users are using Twitter

What does this mean for businesses? It means that social networking is important, very important. As a business owner, I understand the importance and value of social media, which is why Tekcetera has active social media accounts ( and It also means that businesses are visible all the time. And it?s not just businesses, it is employees too. Employees often reference their place of employment in their social network profile. Guess what? That is searchable. Anything from Facebook and Twitter to LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram will show up in a simple online search. If you don?t have a social networking policy in place, now?s the time to establish it.

At Tekcetera, not only do we have a social networking policy, but so do many of our clients. While many make the argument that profiles and content can be hidden or only visible to friends, not all online information is secure. In June 2012, LinkedIn had more than 6.5 million passwords stolen by hackers[2].

While having your social network hacked is an extreme, it does highlight the need to ensure your business and your team members put their best social foot forward. So, how is that accomplished? For businesses, establish or update your company?s social media policy. As a leader, be aware of what your staff is doing on social media. Some companies watch employees like hawks; others have a more laxidasical approach. Whatever your take is, remember that your team members represent not only themselves, but your business.

For employees, remember these few things:

- Never post anything derogatory ? not only is it just bad manners, but it can cost you your job and you never know who is watching or who will see your comments. Plus, what future employer wants to hire someone who badmouthed their previous place of employment?

- Remember everything you post can be made public. I once heard a saying that you shouldn?t ever write down anything you didn?t want to see plastered on the front page of the New York Times. This is a good rule of thumb. Additionally, companies not only monitor employees, but also potential employees.

- Think before you hit send. If you have a gut feeling that what you?re posting might be controversial, weigh the pros and cons of posting.

Social media is a driving force in business. It is imperative that companies, big and small, understand its value and what it means to put their best social foot forward.

Does your company have a social media policy? Share your thoughts and comments below.

Posted By Tek Tips and Talk On 01/02/2013 9:08 am

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