Wednesday, February 20, 2013

7 Common Sense Job Search Tips That Get Overlooked - Rick Gillis

Hi Blog
I?m re-posting my latest published article.

My original title for this article was ??There Are No Rules to Job Search.?There Is, However, Protocol? which I stand by. There are no rules?just common sense.

7 Common Sense Job Search Tips That Get Overlooked

If Your Job Search Has Stalled, It?s Time to Get Back to Basics

For years I have taught innovative job search tactics. I figure that, as long as you do not lie or misrepresent, anything goes in job search. As a former sales guy I learned to be very crafty and successful with my get-past-the-gatekeeper/get-to-the-buyer techniques.

There really are no rules when it comes to job search. I promote my one-page, short-form resume in order to ?game? resume filtering software. Other than that I propose that you should be as creative as possible in order to break through to the other side. Seeking a graphic artist position? Blow ?em away with your graphic resume IF you can get it in their hands. Thinking about placing your resume in place of a label on a bottle of wine? It?s been done. Delivered successfully by courier. If you have the moxie?go for it! There are no rules to job search as long as you know and understand your target company?s culture.

There are, however, basic protocols to job search that can?t be denied regardless of the type of enterprise.

  1. Courtesy. Basic courtesy counts in a discussion on protocol. Being on time. Being polite. Turning off the cell phone. Focusing all your attention on the business at hand are ways of expressing professional courtesy. This always includes treating the receptionist and any other support staff with the respect they have earned. You just might end up working with them. BTW, lots of jobs have never been offered never as a result of how staff was treated prior to interview. ?One more point regarding basic courtesy: Thank You?s are always heard even if not directly acknowledged.
  2. Professionalism. Remember that upon accepting the job you now represent that organization in public and even in private settings. How you act during the interview or any other events organized for candidates is a reflection of how the company can anticipate you will interact with clients in any setting. Professionalism includes not only the courtesy noted in #1 but also your appearance and demeanor.
  3. Appearance. I don?t fault young people for showing up at an interview or networking opportunity not dressed to sell. Many years ago casual Fridays were invented which led to casual every days. As a result young people have grown up with parents who have been going to work in a form of business casual that sometimes doesn?t even meet that standard. My advice is to check out the work site prior to any appointment if you can and then dress just a little bit better than you need to. Make the impression. You can always dress ?down? later.
  4. Honesty. I already mentioned no lies or misrepresentations in the opening to this piece but keep in mind that if any person in the ?hiring chain? detects even a glimpse of a misrepresentation everything you have said previously or say next is suspect. You aren?t getting the offer.
  5. Preparation. One of the most professional of job search protocols that cannot be overlooked is preparation. Preparation for an interview is not difficult?it just takes some time to do it right. If you are not certain where to start, do a search on ?job search interview questions.? There are all kinds of resources online to help. For you to arrive at an interview without a written list of questions is an indication of your lack of respect for the interviewer, the company and their time. I can?t overstate this how many times I have heard this from recruiters/hiring managers/business owners. Don?t think you can wing in on the spot. You can?t.
  6. Optimism. A smile is a picture worth a thousand words. You can ?hear? a smile on the phone. Radio personalities are taught to smile while on the air even though they may be alone in the booth. Smiles come through and they are gold in job search. The hard truth is that no one is going to hire your problems so leave them at the door. No matter how tough things might be in your life, it?s show time as soon as you cross over the curb into the parking lot or get off the train on your way to that first meet and greet.
  7. No typos. Seriously, gremlins get into your documents rite, er, right after yu, um, upon completion.? Be safe. Have a trusted second pair of eyes review any document you submit during the job search process. This includes email you might write in support of a submission.

Yes, this is a simple list but there is value here. As they say, ?the devil is in the details.? The old US Army slogan was ?be all you can be.? During job search you have to be all that on the way in the door! You can do it. As always I wish you good job hunting!



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