Thursday, November 8, 2012

Character "Dragon" Traits

The Dohvin Tree

((Looking for new players!!)) The World Tree is dying, and all the world is descending into chaos. Are there still heroes left who will be able to stand and fight to prevent the promised apocalypse of legends?


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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?The Dohvin Tree?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Every character in this game is going to be blessed with a specific Dragon "Trait" which they will be able to use to unlock latent and very special abilities throughout the RP as we progress. These traits are first come, first served. However, the three at the bottom are traits that everyone will be able to pick regardless of who else chooses the elemental trait that you want.

Pick one of the following gifts and one elemental gift. Remember, first come, first served on the gifts.

Power - The gift of Power grants the individual increased levels of strength and raw force. A normal human being blessed with this gift will be able to lift and hurl large boulders over large distances and wield two handed weapons as easily as they do one handed weapons. The trade off for this power is a decrease in elemental resistance.

Wisdom - The gift of Wisdom grants an increase in higher brain function and processing, meaning they can nearly instantly figure out solutions to puzzles, riddles, and otherwise find solutions to seemingly impossible tasks with ease. The trade off for this gift is a decrease in physical prowess.

Sight - The gift of Sight allows the user to see over vast distances of up to nearly ten miles as the crow flies. They can see the aura of living creatures within this distance and they can also see through dense fog and mist as if it weren't even there. The trade off for this power is a slight decrease in ones ability to sense what is going on around them for as long as they make use of this gift.

Speech - The gift of Speech allows the user to instantly understand and speak the ancient Dragon tongue which has been lost to the mortal race for thousands of years. There is no real trade off to this gift.

Sense - This sense increases the user's awareness and ability to "feel" the life force of creatures within a certain distance. That distance is dependent on the user's age and experience with understanding what it is they are sensing. The trade off for this gift is a slight decrease in both physical and magical capabilities.

Elemental Attributes

Fire - The breath of "Fire" is bestowed upon the blessed one and a resistance to the element of fire is added.

Ice - The breath of "Ice" is bestowed upon the blessed one and a resistance to the element of ice is added.

Air - The control of "Air" is bestowed upon the blessed one and the ability to use it as a powerful controlled force is added.

Earth - Control of "Earth" is bestowed upon the blessed one and the ability to use it as a powerful controlled force is added.

Nature - Control of "Nature" is bestowed upon the blessed one and the ability to call animals (Dragons and magical beasts excluded) to your side as allies becomes available.

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