Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nutrition Challenge Celebration: 12 Success ... - Fukumoto Fitness

Posted on by Johnny

It started on October 1st with about 60 people sign their name to it. ?It lasted between 4-6 weeks. Below are 12 mini-stories we?ve been given (and these are just a few of them!)

There are many types of results. ?Remember ?weight loss? alone is not a good indicator of healthy behaviour and overall wellness. ?Combined with many other things, it can be just 1 tool to measure a part of our goals.

Aaron Epp ? 28 Years Old ? 11th Month at FF

Results: Lost 23 pounds since October started! My pants are also loose. ?New Level of Consistency!

Challenges: First 2 Weeks did not do so well but re-started in week 3.

What I Learned: incorporating more raw veggies ? specifically spinach and ?peppers due to (1) ?blog post about how to incorporate more veggies into your diet, and (2) the photo ?posted on Facebook of Gerry with a Tupperware container full of raw veggies, including peppers.

Teresa Da Costa-Neubauer ? 40 years old ? 2nd Month at FF

Results:?lost 7lbs, clothes are a looser, craved healthy food, more positive person

Challenges: Being a self proclaimed candy and chocolate addict/binger, I admit I had slip ups and it was not easy. In?the process when I did slip up the biggest impact was my attitude and how when I ?sugar crashed?, I couldn?t even stand being around myself, that all the little things that shouldn?t matter, mattered. Just being conscious of that was worth this journey.

What I Learned: Will I continue to avoid ?all sugar foods, chances are not likely, will I have it in moderation and think about the consequences,?most definitely.?

Travis Copeland ? 38 years old ? 12 + Months at FF

Results: Gut smaller!

Reason: Did not eat junk food or even 1 piece of Halloween candy this year (a modern day miracle)

Melissa Gawryliuk ? 23 years old ? ?6 Months at FF

What I Did: REMOVED all unhealthy food from my house (as told me by FF coach)

Results: 14 lbs lost, feel better, clothes loose

Thank You FF, Nadine, and My Sister for helping me.

Felicity Dela Cruz ? 31 years old ? 12 + Months at FF

Results: Sugar cravings decreased significantly. ?Less bloated. ?Energy is consistent throughout entire day. ?Definite inches lost. ?Fitting into old clothes (approx 2 dress sizes smaller give or take). Lost 12lbs (perhaps a note for the ladies: weighing less, but I?m lifting heavier just in these last few weeks and not getting ?big?). ?Overall, feeling great, proud, and motivated to keep many of the habits going. ?Looking forward to continued results and getting better!

Reasons for Success:

Planning! Planning meals/snacks has been key for me. ?I avoided making unhealthy choices by planning ahead and always having healthy options on hand and ready to go.

I?ve made great progress in not letting the slip-ups discourage me. The formula = I slip-up, I move on.

Christine Van Leeuwen ? 40 years old ? 2nd Month at FF

Results: 11 pounds and 7inches

Challenges: Consistency

What I Learned: Better nutrition planning

Sean Magis ? 39 ? 1st Month at FF

What I Did: 1) Cut out sugar, pop, booze, read labels 2) Was organized. ?Have snacks, meals, planned for healthy choices 3) Record What I Eat, Plan To Eat 4) Stay Active on Non-FF Days

Results: 8lbs lost, clothes loose, feel better, not 1 headache since I started

Nadine St. Hilaire ? 26 ? 12 Months + at FF

What I Did: avoid bread, pasta, sugar, eat way more protein and way more veggies

Results: feel awesome, 8lbs, size 29 to 27 jeans, my blazer I tried on is droopy! (need to go shopping)

Note: I have been consistently getting better for the last 18 months and have worked hard. ?I realize ?weight loss? is only 1 small part of the story but I am 1 pound away from 50!

Gerry Dyck ? 53 years old ? 12+ Months at FF

As a 53 year old guy who sits a lot during the day for my job I have found that the fitness challange with exercise has made a marked improvement in my overall health and fitness. I do slip once and a while on the fitness challenges. I do love some deserts. It?s not about being perfect. It?s about trying to eat better each day. I have dropped one pants size over the last while and feel a lot better about myself

Krissy Jackson ? 26 ? 8 Months at FF

Results: feel better, 5lbs lost

What I Learned: eating more (healthy stuff) helps me with my results rather than a low calorie plan

Lorraine Sarcida ? 33 ? 6 Months at FF

Results:?lost 7lbs, a few inches,?down a definite size in my jeans,?feel better and have more energy

What I Learned: I realized that I had to plan out my meals and treats. I knew there was going to be times I was going to have a treat as we did have Thanksgiving weekend and I had a social to go to during the challenge. I learned that as long as you plan for these, you can get back into your routine of eating healthier.

I use to skip breakfast as it was too much of a hassle to get something together before heading out the door for work. But I now realize that I need breakfast to jump start my day. I?ve learned that I don?t need to put cream and sugar in my coffee or tea?. I quite enjoy the taste of black coffee! And I?ve learned that I don?t need to have to eat the last piece of cake in the fridge! Even though I enjoy baking, I don?t need to eat it!

I?ve learned that even if I did stray from the challenge, I could get back on track. I will continue to keep these three items in mind as I do have a few more pounds I?d like to shed. I will be more conscious of what I put in my body but still enjoy life!?And my boyfriend has commented more than once that I?m a much more happier person!

Charlene Richter ? 29 years old ? First Month at FF

Results: 7lbs lost. stronger and more flexible (many results coming from great commitment in first month of training as well).

Challenges: finding healthy substitutes and applying new knowledge received on grocery store tour

Johnny Fukumoto ? 29 Years Old ? (Coach at FF)

What I Did Differently:?From a few drinks/month to no alcohol, From a little morning chocolate milk to none, From 1-2 sprouted grain bread pieces/day to 3-4 all month, ate more veggies than any other time in my life

Results:?more lean muscle, won timed workout contest at KB cert, Energy even better, learned to cook better!

Challenges:?Thanksgiving dinner, at friends home for meal, late at night cravings

What I Learned: ?Fueling my Body? should be the focus of most of my nutrition habits, nothing else. ?Even though I usually eat healthy, there is always something new and exciting to learn and apply that makes a huge difference. ?I can eat spinach all the time and I won?t turn green.

Summary: ?To those who committed, thanks for your hard work. ?To those reading this who haven?t, may this inspire you to improve your life starting now. ?Healthy eating is your choice, your responsibility, your opportunity to become a better person! Seize it and benefit quickly and watch those around you benefit from the new you.

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